ct protocols 2

Lower limbs and upper limbs
- Anatomic region : upper and lower limbs (wanted area )
- Positioning: supine, extended limbs, feet first.
Scout view: AP, length (250-600mm), angle 0 degree.
- Scan area: interested area.
Contrast media : If indicated by the radiologist
Oral: No
- Injection rate :2cc/sec
Scan delay time: 1 -2 minute
Scan type : axial or helical slice thickness ( 3-5mm).
Viewing ( photography): ST. ( 250-350ww), (35-50wl), BW(1800-2600ww), ( 300-500wl).
- Reconstruction : if indicated by the radiologist.
3D display : yes
Special instruction : raw data must be saved
Remarks fixation

Carotids CTA
Anatomic region: Neck
Positioning Supine, neck slightly extended of shoulder down.
Scout view: AP and lateral, length ( 400-500mm ), angle 0 degree.
Scan area from base of skull to aortic arch.
Contrast media
Oral: No
-Injection rate: 5.0 cc/sec
Scan delay time : 13-18 sec
Scan type : Helical, slice thickness (1.25mm)
- Viewing (photography ) : S.T ( 250-300 ww) ( 35-50wl)
- Reconstruction : yes
Cor: yes
3D display yes
Special instruction : raw data must be saved.
- Remarks:
1. call patient don't move.
2. move all metal thing from scan area.
3. Post processing 3D mip must be done.

Lower and Upper Extremities Joint
Anatomic region: Joint.
Positioning Supine, keep interested joint extended.
Scout view: AP and lateral, length (250-350mm), angle 0 degree.
Scan area: interested area.
Contrast media:
Injection rate:
Scan delay time:
Scan type : axial or helical slice thickness ( 2-3mm)
Viewing ( photography) : ST. (250-350ww) (35-50wl), BW( 1500-2000ww) (300-500wl).
- Reconstruction : if indicated by the radiologist.:
3D display yes
Special instruction : raw data must be save.
- Remarks:
1. call patient don't move.
2. move all metal thing from scan area.
3. Quit breathing and high expo sure is required.

Internal auditory meatus and mastoid
- Anatomic region : I.A.M ( temporal bone)-
Positioning :Supine (I.A.M line) parallel to x-ray beam, head first.
Scout view: AP and lateral length (100-200 mm ), angle 0 degree.
Scan area: I.A.M
Contrast media :if indicated by the radiologist.
IV: 50cc
Injection rate:rapid injection
- Scan delay time : 30 sec.
Scan type : axial slice thickness (1-2 mm)
Viewing (photography) : S.T (250-300ww) ( 55-50wl), B.W (1500-2000 ww) ( 300-500wl)
- Reconstruction : as indicated by the radiologist
3D display:
Special instruction : raw data must be saved
- Remarks:
1- call patient don't move.
2- remove all metal thing from scan area

Anatomic region: posterior fossa
Positioning: supine 1.O.M parallel to x-ray beam head first.
Scout view: AP lateral, length(150-200mm), Angle 0 degree.
Scan area from foramen magnum to suprasellar cistern.
Contrast media:
IV :as indicated by the radiologist ( 50 cc)
Oral : No
Rectal :No
Injection rate: 1.0 cc/sec
Scan delay time : (1-2 min )
Scan type : axial slice thickness 2.5 mm.
Viewing (photography) : ST ( 75-150 ww ) ( 35-50wl) , B.W (1300-200 ww ) and ( 300-500wl).
Reconstruction : if indicated by the radiologist.
3D display : yes
Special instruction : raw data must be saved.
1- call patient don't move.
2- move all metal thing from scan area.

Circle of willis
Anatomic region : Brain
Positioning : supine, head first, (LO.M) line parallel to x-ray beam
Scout view: AP and lateral , length (150-250 mm), angle 0 degree.
Scan area: from foramen magnum to vertex.
Contrast media :
IV :100-120cc
Oral : No
Rectal: No
Injection rate: 5 cc/ sec
Scan delay time: 15-18 sec
Scan type : helical, slice thickness 1.25mm
Viewing (photography ): (800-100ww(250-300wl)
- Reconstruction: yes
Sag: yes
Cor: yes
Axial: yes
3D display: yes
Special instruction: raw data must be saved.
1. call patient don't move.
2. move all metal thing from scan area.
3. post preprocessing 3D MIP must be done.

Facial bone and 3D
-Anatomic region: Facial bone
Positioning : supine, ( 1.O.M line) parallel to x-ray beam head first.
Scout view: AP and lateral, length (150-250 mm), angle 0 degree.
Scan area: from hand palate to top of frontal sinuses.
Contrast media :if indicated by the radiologist
IV: 50cc
Rectal: No
- Injection rate: 2.0 cc/sec
Scan delay time : 1 min
Scan type : helical slice thickness ( 1-3mm ).
Viewing photography B.W (1500-2500ww)/ (300-500wl)
- Reconstruction:
Sag: yes
3D display :yes
Special instruction : raw data must be saved.
1- call patient don't move.
2. remove all metal thing from scan area .

Anatomic region: Brain
- Positioning: prone, (I.O.M line ) vertical to x-ray beam head first.
Scout view: Lateral, length ( 150-250mm ), angle 0 degree
Scan area: tip of nose to dorsum sella
Contrast media : water soluble intra thecal injection in spinal cord.
Injection rate: manual injection
Scan delay time 30 minute.
Scan type helical slice thickness ( 1-2 mm)
Viewing photography B.W 800-100ww), (300-500wl), B.W (1500-1800ww), (300-500wl), S.T (250-350ww), (35-50wl).
Reconstruction : yes
Sag: yes
Cor: yes
Axial: yes
3D display
Special instruction : raw data must be saved.
1- call patient don't move.
2- move all metal thing from scan area.
3- proper centering to the head without any tilt.
4- keep the head in lower level than the body.


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